Founder of The Colombo Academy of Classical Realism is Sandatharaka Abeysinghe. In establishing the academic knowledge obtained methodically through innovation, he is interested. This educational institution, or academy, which initially originated in Sri Lanka in accordance with an elaborate plan and in accordance with a recognized special syllabus, is currently in a crucial position for Sri Lanka. 

For a long time, we have been experiencing the negative results of teaching this subject due to the incompetence of various teachers and the lack of awareness of the teaching and techniques of modern ateliers. We must recognize it as a worst situation we have experienced as a country and such a situation spells the demise of any subject. Due to the numerous misunderstandings that contribute to the vast interdisciplinary knowledge system that carries the heritage of art in particular, it is crucial to accurately identify this status and address the establishment of this academy. 

The purpose of this was to use contemporary technical tools to teach and preserve the skill-based training approach and the historical great knowledge system of the art of painting. This is being continued with the intention of passing it down to subsequent generations in a manner that fits the social environment of Sri Lanka. We are instructed to carry out teaching activities here by visiting and studying the existing art ateliers in the world. It is crucial to give education a special place, as evidenced by the academic art genre that began in the 18th century.

2023, Colombo.

