This workshop is generally designed to provide the basic knowledge needed to create classical academic portraits. This is set up as a one-day workshop, especially because of the busy schedule and the practical ease of collaboration.

Answering common problems faced by beginners who want to create advanced portraits the right way, this gives you the atmosphere and direction you need. Instead of looking at a face and copying it, get a proper understanding of its structure and get the necessary knowledge about the behavior and nature of the oil medium and get an advanced knowledge of the coloring related to it. 

This workshop is primarily based on the principles of oil portraiture and focuses on the following points. (The demonstration launches with clear high-quality video views in 4K)

1. Materials guidance
2. Oil painting basics and techniques 
3. Block in and Simplification of the portrait
4. Live demonstration and step by step guidance 
5. Color theory and mixing (Hue, Value and Chroma)  
6. Q & A, Discussion and critic session

➤ This will run as one workshop per month and pre-advertisements will take place on social media about a week before each workshop.
➤ Message through WhatsApp to register and get relevant information +94 717203750